
GnuCash Portable 2.2.4 Support

Your finances... on the go!

Many of the most common issues that arise when using Mozilla GnuCash - Portable Edition are addressed here. Please read through the various topics to see if any of them address your question. You can also post a question in the GnuCash Portable Support Forum.

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GnuCash Portable-Specific Information

General GnuCash Information

Installing GnuCash Portable

To install GnuCash Portable, just download the portable package from the GnuCash Portable Sourceforge page and then double-click it. Select the location you wish to install to and click OK. A GnuCashPortable directory will be created there and all the necessary files installed. That's all there is to it.

Using GnuCash Portable

To start up GnuCash Portable, just double-click GnuCashPortable.exe file where you installed Portable GnuCash on your portable drive. Then, use it just like you would a local copy of GnuCash. There are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Upgrading GnuCash Portable

To upgrade to a newer version of GnuCash Portable, just install a new copy of GnuCash Portable right over your old one. All your data will be preserved.

Copying Your Local GnuCash Settings

If you're using a local copy of GnuCash, you may wish to just copy your local GnuCash settings right into GnuCash Portable. Your local GnuCash profile is usually installed in C:\Documents and Settings\[user] Just copy anything that starts with a dot(.gnucash, etc) to the GnuCashPortable\Data\profile directory. Then, and this is important, delete the file GnuCashPortableSettings.ini within the GnuCashPortable\Data\settings directory, if there is one.

Running From a CD (GnuCash Portable Live)

GnuCash Portable supports running from a CD right out of the box, and it's a snap. Start off by downloading and installing GnuCash Portable to your hard drive... it doesn't matter where. Run it at least once to generate the default settings. Then, customize it as needed, being sure not to move GnuCashPortable.exe or any of the other critical files. Next, copy the example GnuCashPortable.ini from GnuCashPortable\Other\Source to GnuCashPortable and change "RunLocally" to true. Then, burn the whole GnuCashPortable directory to a CD and you're ready to go.

If you use GnuCash Portable from a USB flash drive with a write-protect switch, you're covered, too. The GnuCash Portable Launcher will automatically detect when you protect the drive and offer to run your files locally for you.

Additional information about the options in the INI is provided in the Readme.txt file within the GnuCashPortable\Other\Source directory.

Known Issues

The following are known issues with this package:


Modifications to the default install of GnuCash have been made to make it run portably. These changes are listed here so they can be reproduced if so desired.

Version History

GnuCash Portable was first created by IllusionofDemise of When I first discovered it in the beta forums I was excited, as I had just started using GnuCash for my finances and had also just started using several applications. Unfortunately the download site was down and remained down for several weeks. I decided to take a crack at creating my own version and the rest, as they say, is history. Eventually I did find a copy of the original by IllusionofDemise and a few of his ideas found their way into my version, however the vast majority of it was modified from the launcher & installer of the Firefox Portable release from Portable

Copyright 2004-2008 Rare Ideas, LLC. Portions Copyright 2007-2008 Shawn Faucher